Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sorry For A LONGGGGGG Delay

Hey guys. You have no idea how bad I feel that I haven't posted. I just ran completely out of ideas, but then I decided I wanted to do something. Today, we are doing a trend!  TREND TIME TREND, TREND, TREND TIME!!!!! 

So, our first Fashion trend that is a combined idea with my amazing cousin and I is this following photo. 
If you cannot read it clearly in the purple lettering, here is what it says  "Do you want something cute for this spring? Here is an amazing outfit composed together from my cousin. Consider checking out or even buying a skater skirt and comfy shirt from Wanelo." I highly recommend a comfy outfit like this that can even have black tights under it for showing no "naked legs" or anything not wanted to be seen. The tights can add a formal edge while also showing that you know style! Now the populars can't get the best of you in an out of this galaxy outfit complete with some lace up combat boots to top of the look! 

Last but not least, I want you guys to leave in the blog comments some of your suggestions about how to flaunt your spring hair while at a party our even out having a picnic! You guys decide and I can help figure out the rest of the outfit! See you guys later! 

-Love, Grace and her amazing cousin Abbey! <3 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

YouTube Video

Here is a youtube video explaining what girls don't like in boys:

Thursday, November 27, 2014


This is a shoutout to my friend Rayyan. I've known him since Kindergarten and he's really nice! Go follow him on Instagram @agentray66! 




Happy Thanksgiving

So as you all know, today is Thanksgiving and I am currently watching The Thanksgiving Parade! It is on NBC 5 if you are interested in watching it also. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving with family eating turkey and pumpkin pie. Try not to get stuck in long Black Friday lines today and tomorrow. Hit the comments and tell me what you did this Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving from Snoopy Guys!!!! 
Love Ya,
Talk To You Later,

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Fall Make-up From ULTA

Fall is almost gone and Winter is right around the corner, but you can still use these make-up looks for a warm-feel to excite a night out shopping or sitting around the fire-place. Here are some recommendations from ULTA that can make fall amazing!

Nude-Colored Lipstick

Warm Chocolate Palette Fall Colors

NAKED Palette Perfect For Fall

Baked Blush Warm Fall Color

BareMinerals Powder

Amazonian-Clay Fall Mascara

Brown Gel Eyeliner Pencil

Here you guys go! I really hope you put into
Consideration some of these make-up
looks and use them for a 
fall picture!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Instagram Account

I have an instagram account for those of you that do not know. I would absolutely love it if you could follow me. Here is a link to my instagram:

My Instagram

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall Fashions and Computer Update

So I just got a new computer and I am so excited guys! I play a game called the Sims 3 on it which I absolutely love. Shoutout to all those simmers out there! Go check out youtube and look @ the channel LifeSimmer and you will fall in love with it if you play The Sims or are interested in playing it. Check out these Fall Fashions Below!

Fall Skirt To Keep You Warm

Perfect Maroon Dress

Fall Backpack

Fall Messy Braid

Fall Boat Shoes

Plaid Macy's Fashion Fall Shirt

Thursday, October 2, 2014

More Emaiiillllsss!


                                                         DOG S
                                                         V   O
                                                          I   A
I could seriously be in scrabble club.
I'd win.
But seriously.

So, since tbh that was so hard to read,
we are doing ADVICE MAILLLLL!

So, 1st all the way from Oklahoma, we have:
Kathy Wynway 
Who says:

"Grace, I hope that you can help me. At school, a TON of people just
got braces. Even my little sister has some. Can you help me with what to
do? Should I beg my mom for braces or what? I'm really confused."
Kathy Wynway, Age 11 (Tulsa, Oklahoma)

Dear Kathy,
I completely understand the feeling of wanting
to have braces. I am surrounded by about three or four
people with braces. Although that may not seem
like many to what your school has, even the littlest things might make
you want to fit in. When your little sister has braces, it for sure must be even more
difficult. The first thing I want to tell you, even though I am sure a lot
of people have is that you are beautiful just the way you are (like Bruno Mars says)
You should always be confident in how you look like, and that is coming
from someone who isn't all that goregeous and is pretty shy. You should
think about what things you have that not everyone has in them or on them.
You might have adorable freckles, wear glasses that have tweety-bird on the sides or
you can do a running roundoff. Write down all the things you have that many other people
don't. Don't brag about what you can do, but be proud of it. Think about all the candy
you can eat and not everyone else with braces can. If you do end up getting braces,
it won't be the end of the world and you will enjoy it just as much as
someone without braces would.

Enjoy school!

"I need a suggestion from you on how to wake up quicker.
I am always late to school and I don't know how to make
myself quicker. Can you help?"

Lilianna Jefferson, Age 13 (Garden City, Kansas)

Dear Lilianna,
I am someone who usually struggle to get up,
but I have very recently been able to get up quicker.
Here are some tips.
1. Make sure any siblings or family members are up so they aren't the reason you are late, just don't blow a siren in their ears or pour water on them because they will definitely not be happy when they do wake up.

2. Set your alarm the night before for at least an hour and a half or later depending on when your school starts and how far you have to go to get to school, get up and don't hit snooze no matter how much you want to. If you need to, start a reward system. Whether that be get ice-cream or a cookie at lunch or ask your mom if you can stay up twenty minutes later that night than usual, try to keep on rewarding yourself until it becomes almost consistent.

3. Set out your clothes the night before so you don't have to get them in the morning. If you wear that, set it out in a safe place also.

4. Check the tires for flats if possible and make sure you have the keys to the car the night before.

5. Don't stay up too late the night before.

6. Take a shower the night before if possible.

Thanks Guys Bye,



Hey guys! I am super sorry and hope you know that about not recently updating. I really do apologize and hope you can understand just starting 6th grade has equaled a large "sum" of homework and many busy clubs. I am happy to announce that I made it into choir and my announcements try outs are next week on Thursday. Thanks so much for being so much fun to write things for and you guys are one of my biggest priorities! 

Rock on,

P.S. You can follow me on instagram @graceistheace !!!!!!!!! 

P.P.S You guys are awesome!